Best Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Smell From The Fridge – Keep It Refreshing

Posted Date: 03/01/2021
Total View: 1717

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

Sometimes the Fridge smells really bad and it directly hit back your appetite. There are some considerable reasons due to which the refrigerator smells bad. You should be alert whenever you keep items in the fridge, as there are some fridge users that forget to takes back from it and due to which the refrigerator starts stinking. To prevent foul-smelling do not store any cooked food item for more than two weeks. Because whenever the fridge smells so bad it becomes really difficult to find the root cause as it smells for many reasons like stale food, mold at the door bar or spoiled spill, or food.

Learn Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Smell From The Fridge

There are some home remedies and organic ways to get rid of the bad smells from the fridge. As the usage of artificial refrigerator deodorizing cleaning agents are not so healthy to clean a refrigerator. Here are some healthy, organic, and inexpensive or eco-friendly tips to clean smelly fridge. By making use of these tips you can have access to the clean, hygiene or foul-free refrigerator.

Tip #1- Keep The Interior Of Fridge Neat and Tidy

Natural Air Freshener: To begin, use a natural air freshener throughout the refrigerator and the area around your kitchen, especially around the fridge, and then start working to remove the odor. Turn off your refrigerator and empty the contents during the defrosting process.

Eliminate the cause: To eliminate the odor, first eliminate the cause: food spoiled or dropped in the refrigerator.

Baking soda and water: To clean all the shelves & drawers prepare a thick paste of water and baking soda. It works effectively to remove food stains and it is one of the best ways to attain an odor-free refrigerator.

Cleaning of drip trays - Often, the accumulation of water worsens the smell of the area. Depending on the model, you can access it from the front or back of your device. After removing it, clean it with a sponge or cloth and decent dish soap, or an all-purpose cleaner or bleach solution. After cleaning, the odor should be reduced. One of the best ways to get rid of bad smell from the fridge.

Tip #2 – Make Use Of Organic Cleaning food Items To Remove The Bad Smell

  • Do remember to examine your refrigerator frequently to make sure that food items stay fresh and smell-free. Remove the stale food from the fridge on the asap note.
  • To eliminate the foul smell you can keep the open container full of baking soda in the fridge for 24 hours. It will help to get rid of the smelly fridge as it absorbs all the bad smell at a faster pace.
  • Another effective way to eliminate the bad smell is your coffee powder. Take the plate and evenly spread the freshly ground coffee in the plate and put inside the fridge for atleast 24hours.
  • A bowl of oats also works perfectly to eradicate any kind of smell from the fridge.
  • You can make use of vanilla essence-soaked cotton ball inside the refrigerator to have a fresh and lovely aroma in just 12 hours.
  • In order to clean your clean, you can use vinegar with water. It will make your fridge look shine.
  • Place activated charcoal on a baking sheet in a few shallow bowls or on separate shelves in the refrigerator. Set the refrigerator temperature to low and keep the door closed for a few days. The bad smell will disappear.
  • Setting the refrigerator temperature to an appropriate level, not too high or low, efficiently helps prevent food spoilage and odor while reducing electricity bills & global warming.

Tip #3 – Keep Your Fridge Cleanliness Maintained

Another one of the effective Ways to Get Rid of Bad Smell from the Fridge

Make use of airtight container – Whenever you store anything just keep one thing in mind that does not store anything in an open container. Always use airtight containers to store leftovers of pizza or sandwiches.

Keep Your Fresh Food Items Visible - Keep fruits and vegetables outdoors on the top shelf of the refrigerator instead of in the outer drawer. This will keep you aware of items that soon can turn bad and which items can run for a longer duration. It will minimize the loss and also prevent your fridge from the foul smell.

Label Each Item before storing them- It will work efficiently to let you know if it is good for dinner tonight or just garbage tomorrow.

If you follow these efficiently then you no longer face the issue of a smelly refrigerator. Health is the only source to earn wealth. Stay healthy! Or if u need any help regarding smelly refrigerator call your friend Urbanwale.


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