Why My air conditioner is not responding to remote?

Posted Date: 28/06/2021
Total View: 83293

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

All types of air conditioners can be controlled remotely. While using air conditioner, you can have problems with the remote controller or your AC is not responding to remote. Nine times out of 10, you can fix problems with the air conditioner remote when it comes to cleaning, basic maintenance, adjusting the battery, or moving furniture.

Check the remote control

First, make sure the screen on the remote control works by seeing if you can read the information on it. If not, a simple battery change repair will probably solve your problem. To remove the remote control batteries from the split system, simply slide the remote control down to reveal the other buttons. When it stops, pull further to completely slide the plate. The battery hole will be exposed. Check the metal parts for corrosion and replace the batteries. Check the user manual again to make sure you are using the correct batteries, and also be sure to inspect the remote control to make sure you have inserted them correctly.

If you have another remote control in your home that you use for a shared air conditioner of the same brand, you can try it on a unit that doesn’t work. If the air conditioner responds to this remote control, you know the other one is faulty and needs to be replaced.


Another concern is your proximity to the unit. The remote control must be ten meters away from the unit to be able to operate and there must be no furniture or other objects blocking the sensor path on the surface of the unit. The remote sensor on the edge of the remote control must have a clear path to the sensor at the unit interface. Inspect the sensors on both the air conditioner and the remote control. If there is dirt or grime on the sensors, dirt may prevent the remote control signal from receiving it. Clean the sensors with a damp cloth. Moisture is another common reason of remote control damage. Exposure to spilled beverages or other liquids can cause the remote control to stop working.

If you turn on the air conditioner remote control and press a non-responsive button, you may not be close enough to the unit.


If the remote is at the right distance and powered by the device, but still does not work, the remote control batteries may be too weak to operate the device even if the remote is on when a button is pressed. Rotate the remote control and slide the back cover down. Take the batteries out of the remote control and test them with a battery tester or insert new batteries. Manually confirm that you are using the correct type and size of the battery.


If the new batteries fail to control the remote, they may be installed incorrectly. The "+" and "-" symbols are printed or stamped in the battery compartment behind the remote control, and possibly a sketch of the battery. These instructions show you how to insert the batteries. If you insert the batteries differently than indicated, the remote control will not work. Remove the batteries and replace them according to the polarity markings in the battery compartment. If the batteries are inserted correctly, but the air conditioner still does not accept the remote control commands, dirt or clogging may occur that prevent the remote from operating properly. Takes out the batteries from inside the chamber and examine the metal connections of the battery chamber. If you see dirt on the contacts, clean them with a cotton cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Also, remove accumulated dirt from the batteries.


The next step is to control the LED light on top of the remote control. The LED light is responsible for sending a signal to the sensor at the interface of the air conditioner. If you dropped the remote control, the LED could be disconnected from the other internal components. You will need an infrared sensor card to verify that the remote control is correctly sending the signal from the LED. . If the card does not respond to the remote control commands, the LED is damaged and you need to replace or repair the remote control. A faulty LED on the top of the remote control could be the cause of a malfunction of the remote control.

Check the unit

Another approach to checking whether the remote control is working is to exclude the fact that the unit is responsible for the fault. To do this, press the buttons you’ll find on the bottom right of the device manually to check if they work. If they are but do not respond to the remote control, you can assume that the remote control signal is not reaching the unit or is not recognized.

Restart the system

If you have turned off the remote control, it is damaged, reset the system by turning off the main electrical system and turning it off for about 30 minutes. If the problem persists after feedback, we recommend that you book a service so that a technician can perform a diagnostic system check. We may find that the panel inside the indoor unit no longer speaks to the remote control and needs to be replaced. We will also test the remote control to see if it is damaged.

You can extend the life of the portable remote control by making sure it is stored in a wall that was secured during system installation. When replacing the remote control, we recommend that you invest in a brand model, not in a generic alternative. Universal remotes can provide you with basic features, but they probably won’t offer a whole bunch of features. Damaged (but not damaged) remote controls are covered as part of your air conditioner warranty.

If you still face an issue with Air conditioning unit or remote control, then call a professional Urbanwale. We are always ready to serve our consumers at an affordable cost. 


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