Appliances Maintenance Tips: Superb Tips By Urbanwale

Posted Date: 16/05/2020
Total View: 1666

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

Appliances Maintenance is necessary to increase the life span. If you do not give good maintenance to electric appliance then you must end up spending a huge amount on repairing and replacing products. Consumers just by doing the simplest things help their appliance to work for a longer time effectively. So make use of Urbanwale maintenance tips to make your appliance run effectively.

Go ahead and go through the major Appliances Maintenance Tips.

In every home, we have some major electric appliances that ask for special attention. These are refrigerator, Oven, Air Conditioning, Dish Washer, Washing Machine, and some more. So today we will give you some special tips which help you in keeping the appliance in good condition.

Let’s take a look at appliances maintenance tips for a particular appliance one by one. And increase the life span of your home appliances.


The refrigerator is an important and over-used appliance. So it’s our responsibility to take care of your appliances. As we spend our savings on these appliances.

  • For refrigerator, cleaning is an important tip. We suggest you make your refrigerator clean once in a weak. Due to moisture, more chances of bacteria growth.
  • Do clean condenser coil frequently.
  • Placed your refrigerator in a dark space of your house. Because if you keep your fridge on a heated surface. Then it will consume more power supply and put large efforts to maintain cooling. Due to which it will stop working effectively and ask for high maintenance service.
  • Always shut the door airtight. Do not allow the air to pass on.
  • We recommend you set an average 40-degree temperature.
By performing only these simple things, you will increase the work efficiency of your appliance by 30 percent.

Washing Machine

For every homeowner, the washing machine is their favorite appliance as it reduces the laundry workload. And with lesser manual labor enjoy best results. So it’s time to draw your attention to the appliance maintenance tips.

  • Assess machine hoses to ensure the correct water supply. Both semi-automatic and fully automated machines come with the hoses. It is an expensive part of the machine. Carelessness towards it can cause high expenses. Experts recommend that you must replace hoses every five years of the interval.
  • Do not overload the washing machine with the laundry. Imbalance of laundry can cause damage to the machine. And also not make your clothes completely clean.
  • Always positioned your washing machine on a plain surface.
  • Use quality detergent for your washing machine. Only make use of specially designed washing machine detergent powder. Don’t use local detergents.
  • Deep cleaning is also essential to make use of washing for a longer period of time. Provide deep cleaning once in a month to the machine.
  • Do not shut the washing machine bars immediately after wash. Leave for hours to dry.
  • Clean the washing machine dispenser on a regular basis.
Follow these essential tips for your washing machine maintenance.


The dishwasher is a modern way to clean the utensils in a short time. But it needs some protective measures to make use of it effectively.

  • In order to save water while washing dishes set dishwasher multiple settings.
  • Clean the dishwasher interior regularly.
  • In the dishwasher, most of the time dirt gets accumulated in the spinning arms. So make sure that you clean the spinning arms at the regular basics.
  • Remove the hard particles of food materials frequently as they can cause a problem for spinning arms and block the water supply.
  • Do not overload the dishwasher compartment, as it can cost you high repairing expenses. So make use of the appliance carefully.
Follow these simple Dishwasher appliances maintenance tips to make use of it for a longer time.


It is a shining star for every modern kitchen interior. So follow essential maintenance tips.

  • Cleaning is the fundamental choice for every appliance. Likewise, Oven also works efficiently when you clean it regularly. But whenever you clean Oven by yourself, always make things done properly and follow manufacturing guidelines.
  • If you are cleaning with Oven with water then make sure that turn off the power supply completely and wear the slippers.
  • Maintenance of blower is one of the important tasks. Lubricate it on a regular basis for comfortable usage.
  • Spill barrier is a vital part of the Oven cleaning. If any items spill into Oven. Then clean it then and there. Otherwise, it will degrade the work efficiency.
  • Replacement of gas is necessary for the safe use of Oven. And it will not cost you more.
  • While cleaning oven knobs takes all safety measures. We recommend you that don’t try to clean insider the knob by yourself. As it needs a professional’s observation.

Air Conditioning

In the summertime, Air conditioning protects us from the heat and humidity. And bless us with the cool environment.

  • Cleaning of the air filter is essential for AC. As most of the dust and dirt accumulated on the air filter. The cluster of dust on the filter reduces cooling efficiency. We recommend filter clean-ups once in a month.
  • Do not fit air conditioning direct in front of the sunlight rays. It will run better if you placed it under shade.
  • Remember to clean vents and ducts while cleaning filters.
  • Frequent air conditioning necessary. We suggest you hire maintenance services at short intervals. As the air conditioning structure is quite complicated so it needs experts’ advice.
  • When you make use of air conditioning shut down lights as they emit heat.
  • Do not place heat-producing products near the air conditioning thermostats as it will put a load on it.
  • Provide a proper power supply.
  • If you are using an old air conditioner then you should hire maintenance services on a regular basis to increase work efficiency.
We have provided you the maintenance tips for the major appliances which we use at home. We care for our users that’s why always comes with the important topics of concern. So we suggest to all homeowners to follow the appliances maintenance tips guidelines in order to increase the life span of your home appliances. For any appliance repairing and replacement contact a leading home service provider Urbanwale.


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