Things To Consider Before Buying a Washing Machine In 2020?

Posted Date: 10/05/2020
Total View: 1641

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

It is a misunderstanding of every buyer that they have all the information regarding the Washing Machine buying guide. But their knowledge is just limited by the experience of relatives and neighbours. Like no appliance is good apart from LG and Samsung. So we suggest you just that don’t go just for brands but also follow a checklist before buying a Washing Machine.

    Generally, people just discuss with some of their friends and relatives and form their opinion on the basis of their rough opinion. And they feel confident enough to buy a Washing Machine. But when entering into vast space of showroom and seller present so many kinds of washing machines while telling their salient features. The consumer gets confused and not able to choose the product confidently.

        Some common questions that fill up their mind are as follows:

•    Which is the top-class washing machine?
•    Which machine is cheap and full filling all the demands?
•    Which washing machine should I buy?
•    Which brand is the best?

Before we are buying any home appliance it’s better to do some research. So that you end up having the best appliance for your home. By solving only five queries you will successfully able to buy Best Washing Machine In 2020.

Top Five Tips To Buy Best Washing Machine In 2020

First Tip – Clear About Your Choice

Buying a Washing Machine is an extensive venture. So people desire to buy the best appliance in one go. So to fulfill this desire first you need to be clear about your choice. Because when you enter a market seller will offer you multiple washing machines and tells you personally about each machine. And you will get confused as you find every machine best in their own way. But it’s a time to be a little smarter. If you clear about some factors like family size, semi-automatic or fully automatic, front loader and top loader, capacity, and about your budget then only you will be able clear about your choice. Experts advise that before buying anything little research is helpful.

Front Loader V/s Top Loader

Generally, people use a top loader machine. As its functionality is not so difficult and users able to operate it easily. If you are living in a nuclear family then the top-loader machine will be more convenient and for all ages. But Front Loader machine functions need good knowledge to make use of it. As they come up with some advanced features. It has more than 30 washing programs along with safety measures. Example -child locks. The top loader machine is easier to move from their place as they are quite light weighted while the Front loader machine needs more power to replace its position.

If we talk about the budget then top loader machines are inexpensive. Font loader machines need a high budget. If you are stuck between the budgets then I recommend you opt for Top load washing machines as they are budget-friendly and easy to handle. But if you want some smart features in your washing machines then opt. For front load machines. But we recommend that if your family size is large then you must select the Front loader machine. Although it asks for more budget as it is a single time investment. So it will be more beneficial.

Semi-Automatic v/s Fully Automatic

The term semi-automatic itself suggests that it is not completely automatic. And you need to do some manual work as well to wash your clothes. The semi-automatic machine consists of two spin tubs. One is called a washtub and the other is called a dryer tub. Semi-automatic machines have their own benefits as it requires less amount of water in the rinsing process. And also saves your power supply.

                As fully-automatic machine comes with advanced features. So you are a force to set the cycle in one go. And you can’t add more clothes in between of washing cycle like you have access in Top loader machine. Most of the people find automatic machine handier as it has only a single tub. You just need to set the options and load the machines to providing proper water supply throughout the wash cycle. And the rest machine handles itself. No more manual efforts required. And you can perform other tasks meanwhile.

Check about Functioning Properly

The most important thing you can't avoid while buying a washing machine is its functioning.  It is necessary to know about the essential functions of the machine. You must check out the quality of spin tubs and buttons whether working properly or not just to avoid an inconvenience thereafter. Better if the tubs come up with stainless steel and shockproof materials.

               Advanced features machines take proper care of your clothes. It will be good if you will recommend a 3 star or 5-star appliances as they are good at energy saving. If you are opting for the classy appearance of goods then you must check out various designs and colors available in the market. Because along with the functions outer appearance also matters.

Size and Capacity

Size and capacity go hand in hand. Size enhances the capability of the washing machine of washing clothes. Before buying a washing machine just have a rough idea of size. If you have 4-5 members in your family then 7 kg of a machine is perfect for you. And if you have less laundry, then 5kg is also worked well. Size also impacts your electricity bills. So check the labels correctly. There are both large and small capacity washing machines available in the market. So, choose according to your family size.


Last but not least because the budget is the most important factor. Don’t just go for brands. The cost of the machine highly depends on the features, size, and type of the machine. The top loader machine range lies between 8k- 50k while the front loader lies 15k-80k. Do not set a budget out of your pocket. I personally suggest that quality machines are also available in the low budget as well.
I hope you follow these tips before buying a washing machine. For any washing repair services address UrbanWale.


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