Get Rid Of Smelly Washing Machine

Posted Date: 09/03/2020
Total View: 1692

Washing Machine is a common appliance used by every homeowner. Sometimes, our washing machine smells very badly. This smell occurs due to several reasons. Even after washing your clothes you still find that smell. Most of the time this smell takes place due to the collection of grim bacteria and detergent specks. It happens when you immediately close the lids after washing your clothes.

The scheduled maintenance services for a washing machine is important. As it keeps your machine up to date and keeps it away from the smell. It occurs due to gathering of detergent and unwanted small particles. So, if you take a service once a month, it means you are increasing the life span of your washing machine.

It’s necessary to understand the cause behind this stinky smell for washing machine users for a better experience.

Why Washing Machine smell stinky?

  • Hard water is one factor behind the stinky washing machine. Some localities receive hard water supply and it causes jams in the machine. But we can’t do anything in it. Therefore, we can use hot water to defrost the blockages
  • Bacteria is a microorganism that we can’t view directly. They build in a dark and wet place. For example. Drum, rubber tube. So be alert.
  • Clothes itself is another reason behind this stinky smell as sometimes you wash oily and geared clothes in it. Which needs a high amount of detergent and soap. It gives growth to soap scums. So be careful and always try to wash these types of clothes by hand. And always check clothes before washing them in a washing machine.

So we will suggest you some tips from which you can get rid of the smelly washing machine.

Tip #1
Always keep your machine neat and clean. As the continuous usage of the washing machine really makes it dirty due to the splash of water and detergent. It is also the factor behind the smelly washing machine

Tip #2
 Always make sure that you put the lid over washer and spinner when the single drop water gets dried. Sometimes leave the washing machine with open lids for sunlight. As the sun radiance helps in removing bacteria and completely dry it.

Tip #3
Baking soda not only useful for kitchen purposes but it also helps to get rid of the smelly washing machine. Just pour some baking soda with water and turn on the wash timer. It will remove all the dirt and small particles from it and makes your washing machine fresh.

Tip #4
After every wash check the seal of your washing machine. Sometimes tiny things get deposited in the rubber tube of the washing machine and it causes damage to an appliance.

Tip #5
White vinegar with hot water also allows the complete wash to your machine washing. It is the best solution to remove the smell in a short time of period. And it takes only 2-3 minutes. And bless you with good smell.

If you face any major problem related to the washing machine. You can hire Urbanwale professional washing machine repair services. For more details visit:


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