Must-Know Checklist When Booking Home Deep Cleaning Services

Posted Date: 13/03/2021
Total View: 1248

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

It is important to thoroughly clean your home from time to time. Many people choose these services before a big festival like Diwali or Christmas or a big family event like a wedding. And as the holiday season approaches, you can also try to take advantage of such a service. However, to make sure you get the best deal and get the best deep cleaning service possible while on the go, you should follow this 5-point checklist. If you have no idea at the moment, fear not because we are here to help! Take a look at our list below and you'll know exactly what to check before booking a cleaning service for your home.

What do you mean by home deep cleaning services?

Home Deep Cleaning is much more advanced than normal daily cleaning. Your regular or basic cleaning activities typically last an hour, with an emphasis on cleaning items or areas outside and still visible. Deep cleaning, on the other hand, also focuses on every nook and cranny. Moreover, the idea is not only to clean the house but also to disinfect it, which will take much longer than your normal hour-long cleaning.

Checklist when booking home cleaning service

Here is a list of things to consider before booking a deep cleaning service for your home:

Cost: If everyone wants to get the best service on offer, sometimes the price can become a constraint. Different people have different budgets to work with. So, you need to pull out your calculator, do the math, and see exactly how much you want to spend on cleaning activities. The prices for deep cleaning of the house depend on several factors, such as the number of rooms to be cleaned, the number of cleaning agents required, the type of equipment used, and the cleaning products or chemicals used. As a result, different home cleaning service providers offer different rates. So, take the time to compare the best deals available to you. Talk to at least three cleaning service providers to find the best deal.

Pro tip:  Urbanwale deep cleaning services are not based on the size of the job, but on the number of rooms to be cleaned. You thus benefit from a first-class quality of service at affordable and transparent prices.

Services offered: Next, and most importantly, you need to see what services are offered. You may have special requirements, such as: B. Deep cleaning of beds and sofas, or you may need to do a complete deep cleaning of the whole house. Discover the services offered by the cleaners of your choice. For example, if you decide to get a bathroom cleaning service, you should research the exclusions and inclusions. Check the fine print to see if the tub cleaning service is included or not. If you are not satisfied with the package or the individual cleaning services offered, find another service provider.

Time: The next thing to do is figure out how long it will take the cleaners to complete the job. You may need to ask them to spread the work over a few days if it takes too long, or you may choose to do it all in one day. So, talk to the cleaning staff ahead of time to understand exactly how long the service will take. You may need to plan your own schedule accordingly and make arrangements to include housekeeping in your busy schedule. For example, if you are also planning a pest control, the cleaning process should be done beforehand. So, check that the timing is correct before booking a cleaning service.

Safety: You should check that the products you use to clean the house are safe for your children and pets. Talk to the service provider and ask questions about it. Most of the products used today are safe and free from harmful chemicals. However, some cleaners can use industrial chemicals to do the job. Explain these things to yourself and, if necessary, take your pets and children to a neighbor's or friend's house for the time being. If a family member is allergic to a particular item, notify housekeeping staff or have the family member leave the house for the duration of the cleaning. However, if the service providers promise to use only natural and safe products to clean the house, you may have it every time you stay inside while cleaning.

Clean up the clutter: Another checklist before booking home deep cleaning services.  You should do this yourself before the cleaners arrive. Debug your home so that the deep cleaning service works smoothly. For example, if you have important papers on the study table, sort and archive them so they don't get lost in the house cleaning service. Keep your china and other fragile items in your drawers and closets as well, putting small items like socks and handkerchiefs in their place and clearing the general clutter. This makes the cleaning staff's job easier and prevents unnecessary losses.

Pro tip: The UrbanWale service professionals are highly qualified and ensure that your items are not lost or damaged during the cleaning service.

This is the complete checklist that you should follow before booking home deep cleaning services.


Keep this list in mind when booking your cleaning service and you are sure to get the most of it. You just have to be a little systematic and it will get the job done with no hassle. So what are you waiting for? Book the home deep cleaning services today!


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