Home Remedies To Control Pests | Make Your Home Healthy

Posted Date: 25/06/2020
Total View: 1686

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

For every homeowner controlling pests is a very hectic task. Everyone wants to get rid of pests like ants, cockroaches, rodents, flies, bugs, bed bugs, and spiders. These are the common pests that we came across in our homes. But some homeowners take casually. They need strict action as they don’t only destroy our physical property but also cause serious health issues and diseases like diarrhea, food poisoning, stomach problems, digestion issues, and many more. Although there are several products in the supermarket that claims that you surely get rid of the pest if make use of them. But home remedies are a natural way to get rid of pests. It helps you to make your abode healthy. These methods are easier to use with little capital investment and even safe for home surroundings and environment. Today we tell you some effective home remedies to control pests.

Best Home Remedies To Control Pests

As we find several pests at our home. So every pest requires a different strategy to control them. As their nature is also different from one another. So we tell home remedies to control pests for every type of pest. These are very easier methods. So it doesn’t require extra manual power. Go ahead and make yourself updated.

Get Out Cockroaches By Using Natural Methods

Cockroaches are a very common pest that we all found in our homes. It is quite challenging to control cockroaches as they get multiply quickly. There are various repellents and sprays used by the homemakers to control them. But these are temporary solutions. This pest can cause skin infection or food poisoning health ailments. But there are some home remedies that you can use regularly to control them.

  • Bay Leaves
It is one of the easiest methods to make your home cockroach-free. What you just need to do is collect bay leaves from someplace and crush few bay leaves. And place the bowl of bay leaves in every corner of the home or where you find frequent availability of them. It is an Indian spice and its smell is dangerous to bear for cockroaches so they automatically get out of your sweet home.

  • Boric acid and sugar
I am sure you have heard about this combination in your science classes. But maybe you don’t know about it effective use to get relief from cockroaches. Just prepare a mixture of boric acid and sugar and proportion should be 3:1. And select space where cockroaches come to time and again. Bathroom and Kitchen are the common hiding spot. So just placed them and see the magic. And you realize that this method works effectively.

  • Lemon
It is a very common fruit used by us as a skincare product or to boost our energy. But you can use it to get rid of the cockroaches as well. It is an organic way to makes them out from your abode. There are two ways to use Lemon. First, you can spray lemon juice to particular cockroach spots or you can make a paste of waste part and place it.

Effective Ways To Makes Ants Out From Home

 Ant is a small creature but capable of damaging food items. It is another common pest that you found to hanging out at your home. We advise you to keep things in a tight container to secure. Here are some pest control tips to get rid of unwanted pest ant.

  • Vinegar and Water
Prepare the mixture of vinegar and water helps you to get rid of Ants. Keep a 1:1 proportion. Put this mixture into a spray bottle. And if you use a spray to bottle it will spread it evenly to the surface. As the Ants cannot bear the smell of vinegar so they automatically run away.

  • Mint Leaves
Mint Leaves are also an effective pest control method. Place the crushed mint leaves at the spot of Ant.

  • Cucumber Slice
I know must be thinking that how cucumber can control Ant. But to block the ant passage you can make use of cucumber slices or outer shelf. It is the best home remedy to get rid of an ant.

  • Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is the best home remedy to makes ANT out of your home. Wherever you find just spray oil over them and ant will vanish away in just five minutes.

  • Boric Acid and sugar
Another effective home remedy to get away ant is that you just need to prepare a mixture of boric acid and water in 1:6 proportion. And dip cotton balls in the water and place them on the hotspot of ants.

Vanish The mosquito

The mosquito peak time to come into our home mostly in morning and evening time. They spread disease and infection in humans so you need to be alert and exit them as they arrive. There are various automatic machines are available in the market to control them. But if you use them unlimitedly then they cause serious harm and create an unhealthy environment.

Follow these simple tricks to get out mosquito

  • Neem
Neem is an anti-bacterial tree. It is used for multiple purposes like for pimple and acne treatment, to purify the blood as well. It is an organic method to make mosquito out as well. You can use Neem oil and coconut oil in place of oedemas. It will prevent skin irritation and allergy also.

  • Plant More Flowers
You can plant various flowers in your homes. Like a marigold, sunflower, lily, evergreen, rose, etc it will help you in two ways. First, it will keep the amount fresh and healthy.

Tip - Keep floors, corners, and drawers clean to limit the growth of Pests.

Keeping the house clean is not only a single priority of homemaker but keeping house pests free is also very essential. By using the above mentioned effective home remedies to control pests you can create a healthy environment for your family and friends. And if you want to hire pest control services then you can address Urbanwale. We offer reliable and affordable services.


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