What are the preventions you should take in Unlock 1.0 phase?

Posted Date: 06/06/2020
Total View: 1679

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

We hope you all are leading your life very well. Today we came up with a very important topic that preventions you should take in Unlock 1.0 phase.  We want to remind you that although the government has given some concession keeping in mind the economic imbalance. But you should be alert and follow important guidelines to prevent coronavirus transmission. As our honourable Prime Minister Narender Modi urges us to be “Atamnirbhar” May you all know that country is going through the hardship of life. It’s our duty as well to contribute.

   The main motive behind writing this post is to make you aware of the government guidelines that you must follow to keep your family and friends safe. You may observe despite lockdown coronavirus cases increasing rapidly. There is a need to learn from these activities. It is suggesting that the things we are performing need to be revised or there is a need for the strict following of guidelines. Although the government trying its best to implement the guidelines and making people aware of the risk factor. But we need to understand that things will not go to improve just because of government efforts, citizens need to get out of their comfort zone and pledge to take care of your family and relatives.

             When we live in one nation, duties get divided into two domains such as government and citizens. Till now the government plays its role with some disputes. But with the introduction of the Unlock 1.0 phase, responsibility comes upon citizens. This is high to understand the need for your role towards the nation. Now onwards you need to take care of yourself and family by taking some preventions in Unlock 1.0 phase.

Take these following preventions in Unlock 1.0 phase. These prevention keeps you and your surrounded people safe from coronavirus. As you know Urbanwale home service provider cares not only of their customer but every citizen of the nation by providing essential services. And helps you to reduce the home-related stress.  That’s why we came up to make aware of the essential guidelines that you should take in Unlock 1.0 phase.

Here are some preventions you should take in Unlock 1.0 phase.

•    Deep Cleaning

Cleaning is the essential prevention that you must take in order to control the coronavirus outbreak. Keep your residential and commercial place neat and tidy. The dirty and grim place gives birth to various bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Deep cleaning is not a do it yourself task. Because if you want complete reduction from these harmful microorganisms then you must hire deep cleaning services. Professionals cleaners are skilled and experts. They have knowledge of cleaning agents. As you know cleaning agents is consist of various dangerous chemicals and need great precision to use them. So in order to avoid risk better to hire professional cleaning service from reliable sources like Urbanwale. So we advise you to take the help of professional cleaners.

       Owners of the workplace should put extra effort to ensure a healthy environment for your employees. To keep your workplace neat and tidy must hire cleaning services. Remember to maintain regular cleaning after having a deep cleaning service. Deep cleaning lasts for a long time. And you’re residential and commercial place look more attractive and positive.

•    Pest Control

Pests are a common problem from which every homeowner goes through. These insects make food items unhygienic and contaminated. So you can’t neglect this sensitive issue of your house. During this coronavirus, it may cause more serious problems than you ever envisaged. Make your house pest-free by hiring pest control services. Although, the market is full of pest-control products and medications that claim if you use them then every kind of pest vanish away. But it is a clear fact that these solutions don’t give your permanent solution. And you end up investing a large amount of money on temporary solutions.

         Pests are not only harmful to houses but also for commercial places. It leave a bad impact on your customers and employees as well. So to earn your customers keep your workplace pest-free, neat, and tidy.

•    Sanitization

After cleaning and pest control, sanitization came out as essential prevention that you must take. As you know coronavirus is spreading widely. So it’s an urgent need for hiring sanitization. It is a process of removing harmful microorganisms from every kind of surface. There is a vast difference between the cleaning sanitization. So don’t get confused and live in delusion. We recommend you that don’t hire sanitization service without a deep cleaning. If you do so then conditions become more adverse.

          Sanitization service need more expertise then cleaning so please go for a professional sanitization service provider to prevent risk factor. It is a trending service that everyone finding beneficial to control coronavirus. The government sanitizes public space at its expense. So now it’s your turn sanitize your home and workplace. Even you can hire sanitization service for a single colony at once by collecting money. It is very important to stay away from deadly coronavirus.

•    Buy Fruits and vegetables Online

We know you must be thinking why we are asking you to buy fruits and vegetables online. But it is a demand for this crucial time period of coronavirus. Even though the government opens up the supermarket to sell and buy food products. But it is not safe to go market. As you know it is risky to being in a crowded area because it increases the chances of coronavirus transmission. Again we are posing this request doesn’t take government concession casually. Just be alert avoid going outside of your abode as much as you can.

Important Tip -

Wear Mask and Use hand sanitizer- It is last but not the least preventions you should take in Unblock 1.0 phase. Do wear masks and remember to keep hand sanitizer with you. Sanitize your hands after every short interval.

Services like deep cleaning, pest control, and sanitization are available on the single platform UrbanWale.  Make a move and hire your essential home services from us and save your time.


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