Is physical Distancing is more effective Than Social Distancing?

Posted Date: 10/04/2020
Total View: 1598

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

Earlier, the World Health Organization gave us the option of social distancing. But now it has come up with a new strategy of physical distancing. And it suggests that it is more effective than social distancing to control coronavirus.

The Pandemic Coronavirus is impossible to stop but we can control its communicable strength.  As it is a communicable disease that can easily spread from one person to another.

In December 2019, the dreaded coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan city of China. This has forced other countries to completely shut down everything to control its spread. So to save the community, the government gave strict instructions to control coronaviruses.

The WHO (World Health Organization) came up with physical distancing because they want people to be emotionally connected. Social distancing is causing many kinds of harm to people. As they are losing their mental strength. And many people are falling prey to various mental health disorders. Like insomnia, anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. due to the social distancing phenomenon.

To stop local transmission, we need to control direct contact with people. In the digital world, there are various ways to connect like video calling, Skype, face to face communication with maintaining a distance of 1 meter. This will be going to help people to maintain healthy relationships.

What is Physical Distancing?

The physical distancing is a modern term which means is when you limit the numbers of physical contacts of persons. And make sure that you came in contact with less number of people. It is one of the best solutions to limit the transmission of a novel coronavirus.

Till now no treatment and vaccine are available to stop the transmission. So according to the World Health Organization, Physical distancing is the best way to beat coronavirus.

Although Health professionals continuously working to create a vaccine. But till this vaccine get ready people to need to understand that physical distancing is essential to control coronavirus spread.

It is the responsibility of every citizen to perform the job of their part to beat COVID-19. Here are some guidelines which are necessary to follow.

  • Stay at home unless it is not urgent to go outside
  • Connect with your family and friends digitally.
  • Maintain a distance of two meters with every second person.
  • Have a morning/evening walk on your terrace.
  • Don’t organize any get to gather or small conferences.
  • Keep your children away from elder citizens. And take special care of your elders.

Disadvantages of Social Distancing

The Main disadvantage of social distancing is a mental health disorder. As we all are aware that human beings are social animals. They love to greet people and enjoy being around people. So, isolation can cause anxiety, depression, OCD, stress among the community. Generally, youth come across these mental health issues. As they became uncertain about goals. And end up losing their strength and confidence.

Mental Health doctors find social distancing or self-imposed isolation quite an uncomfortable situation. As it breaks the chain of emotional contact among people. They become a self-centered person who doesn’t bother about other human beings. So physical distancing is a best option to decrease the coronavirus cases and mental health problems.

Difference between Social Distancing and Physical Distancing

There is a very slight difference between social distancing and physical distancing. Social distancing means disconnecting yourself with other human beings while physical distancing meaning when you keep yourself detach from other human beings physically but emotionally you are connected. Secondly, social distancing completely isolates you from the social world. You can call it as full-detachment. Based on psychology study, some professor finds social distancing a rough term which can cause serious harm to the mental health of human beings. Our mental health is as important as our physical health. We all work through the mind but we also need to work on the mind. Due to coronavirus things are getting worse across the world. Which forcefully creating distance between people. It directly or indirectly causing harm to people.
When you keep the things inside you and don’t talk about the issues it causes severe harm to yourself. That’s why psychologist always asks people to talk about the things. Talk therapy is the best therapy ever. On the one hand, people suffering from coronavirus. And to control it, Social distancing also posing harm to people’s mental health. It is the big reason behind the replacement of social distancing with physical distancing.

Importance of Social Connections

Social connections are a vital part of human being upbringing. Unity is something that can eradicate anything that impossible to defeat. Likewise, Coronavirus is so dangerous that super cop’s countries are unable to control it. They are finding themselves very low and lose their mental strength. But India standing powerfully in front of coronavirus because they are united and having strong social connections. That’s why Narender Modi time and again organizing different small tasks that make realize people that they are united and single unit which can defeat this dangerous virus.

How To Perform Physical Distancing effectively?

The World Health Organization started using another terminology Physical Distancing in place of social distancing. Behind this replacement it has a vital motive is to preserve the mental health of a community.

In the digital world, we have multiple ways to promote an emotional connection with our friends and relatives and can also maintain physical distancing as the well same time.

  • In public space avoid physical contact with people and maintain a distance of a minimum of 1 meter with every person.
  • Make yourself aware of the COVID-19 updates.
  • Follow the traditional culture of Namaste instead of a handshake.
  • Prefer work from home if possible

Physical distancing is important to control the spread of coronavirus. Because if someone having symptoms of coronavirus and if you are not maintaining physical distancing then you have more chances of transmission. The strategy of Physical Distancing applies to everyone and it is vital to flatten the curve of coronavirus.

Aware yourself and flatten the Curve by following WHO guidelines.


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