How to Beat Coronavirus: It’s time to be mentally strong

Posted Date: 21/03/2020
Total View: 1903

Authored by: UrbanWale Blog Contributor, Nisha Singhania

Recently, in a short time, a very serious threat has arisen and attracted the attention of everyone that is a coronavirus. This is not only a simple disorder but a serious challenge for everybody. Today, we are undergoing a period, when different countries and communities are coming together to end the spread of coronaviruses.

The coronavirus is popularly known as the "2019-Novel Corona Virus" or COVID-19. By March 20, 2020, it has spread to 24 countries, affecting more than 269,725 people to date. And more than half percent of people belong to China and Italy. So far, other places in the world have shown efforts to control the virus in the world.

There are so many people all over the world that feeling anxiety due to this dangerous virus. We understand that it’s a new virus that people are experiencing for the first time. The symptoms of this virus are so common that it is quite difficult to diagnose whether that is Corona or simple cold & cough problem. Every fifth person is suffering from common symptoms of Corona. So it’s quite a complicated situation for everyone. Corona is a severe condition of common symptoms like Pneumonia or kidney failure etc.

When the doctors first addressed a coronavirus patient, they were not aware of it because it was a new type of disease. So there was a lot of uncertainty about its cause and treatment. Later the World Health Organization is worked on it with a global network of countries affected by the virus and partners to eliminate the epidemic coronavirus from the world.

How dangerous is coronavirus?

Doctors and researchers are constantly trying to understand the epidemic disease coronavirus, but so far no cure or vaccine is ready. In history, until now people were not suffering from such a disease that spread at such a fast pace. So you can easily understand how dangerous it is. Prevention is the best way to treat this coronavirus. This virus is not limited to just one or two countries. It is affecting almost every country, even abroad the cases are increasing day by day. This shows that the government is taking such preventive measures, yet we are not able to stop it.

The World Health Organization states that the virus survives for 14 days. And most symptoms usually last for five days. In western countries wearing the mask is compulsory as they are witnessing every second person is infected with this contagious virus. Hence, it is a very dangerous virus so it’s better to take prevention as much as you can.

Importance of Mental Health in Coronavirus

Mental health plays an essential role to beat coronavirus. If you keep your psychic positive even in so negative environment then nothing can fail you. Most of the problems arise due to our thoughts process. So it is very necessary to check your pattern of thinking whether it is positive or negative.

The outbreak of coronavirus affects people’s mental health so much. They are so obsessed with the disease Coronavirus that they unable to cope up with this and becoming victims of stress and fear. So it is very essential to take care of your mental health. Just chill and follow government special protective measures. It will help you stay happy and healthy.

During the coronavirus treatment procedure, the patient needs to stay in isolation for several days, so it also affects people's psychic. So the counsellor helps them to manage isolation effectively. Hence, it is necessary to keep yourself mentally strong to beat Coronavirus.

Best Tips to Beat Coronavirus

  • Personal Hygiene is a must. Keep on wash your hands at short intervals. Always Keep sanitizer in your bags and use it before taking breakfast and after meeting someone.
  • Social distancing is an effective way to prevent coronavirus. Don’t allow someone to enter your private aura. Avoid social gatherings and events more and more if you can.
  • First, you need to aware of the coronavirus. Keep yourself updated about the coronavirus symptoms and protective measures.
  • Wear a mask when you leave home for any outside work. The pollution mask won’t work. So buy the best quality mask for better results.
  • Also, share the news and important information related to coronavirus to your friends & relatives in order to create awareness.
  • Take supplements to make your immunity system strong. Like haldiwala Dudh, giloy, chawanprash, etc.
  • If you find that someone is prone to coronavirus symptoms then contact the doctor immediately.
  • Read about coronavirus from reliable sources only.Like WHO 
  • Visit for more Blogs


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